Professionals in different disciplines identified and defined Parental Alienation as the pervasive practice of one parent against the other parent to destroy the parent-child relationship with the targeted parent. This is usually done with the intent to gain financial benefits.
Since 1990, the year that The Convention on the Rights of the Child entered into force, a more pernicious form of Parental Alienation has permeated parent-child relationship. Now, Parental Alienation is perpetrated not only by alienating parents, but government ministries and departments, judicial systems and child protection services profiteering. Children are taken away without any evidence or proof that the alienated mother or father is harmful to the child.
In order to comply with the yearly resolutions suggested by civil society organizations, known as non-government organization (NGO's) to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Member States Parties to the United Nations initiated and developed the ongoing worldwide persecution of parents. As a consequence children are taken away from their parents for no just cause or no just purpose. The UN Committee resolutions are accepted unquestioningly and never contested by any State.
Children Protection services agencies are privately owned non-government organizations (NGOs), contracted and funded by governments. Child Protection agents are forcefully and heartlessly removing children from their home, parents, grandparents and family under the most unreasonable and heinous excuses to trade children in the financially rewarding business of foster care and child adoption.
This absurd cruelty and brutality has to stop now!
Mexico: May 9th, 2014. Civil Code Capitulo III, Art. 323 Septimus
Brazil: August 26, 2010. Law No. 12318/10
Petitioning United Nations Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki-moon and 21 others
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