A Grand Child's Legacy--Stolen

Just when I thought we had seen it all through these many years of Parental Alienation, something new pops up. Over the years I was hoping it wouldn't come about, but it has. Another nail in the coffin of Ron's relationship with not only his children, but his grand children too. Sad to say the abuse of Parental Alienation has been passed on to the next generation. Ron, now has two grand children. A grand daughter named Korah, born to his daughter Shelby and a grand son named Lucas, born to his son Ronald. Their family heritage and legacy has been stolen from them and their step father has been inserted into Ron's place as their grand father along with his first and last name. As I said in the blog I wrote about Identity Theft....it is Child Abuse ; They (being Jodi and Donald) didn't want to murder the children or Ron (or did they?) They definitely wanted to murder any relationship or love between them and their father, Ron. It seems they wanted to do the same pertaining to Ron and his grand children as well. Now Ron's only son, Ronald Daniel (named for himself and his father) has had a son who he has named after the very same man that abducted him. The trevails of parental alienation has taken on another skewed and twisted path of deceit. Clear evidence of a severe stage of Parental Alienation Sydrome/Stockholm Syndrome displayed by Ron's son Ronald who has succumbed to the emotional and mental abuse. Very sad. The brainwashing, mental and emotional child abuse continues in its severest form. This is why I'm writing these blogs. So that in time Ron's grand children Korah and Lucas will know the truth of how their family heritage and legacy was stolen from them. They will know the "truth" of how it was perpetuated by their own parents; victim's of parental alienation, as initiated by their obsessed alienator grand mother. Long after I'm gone.....my written words will still be here in the annals of history for them to read and understand about this form of child abuse. They will come to know that Korah and Lucas are really Cornett's, not Giffing's. Just as Ronald Daniel's last name of Cornett was stolen from him, so has his son Lucas' last name of Cornett been stolen from him too. All because of "Narcissm".

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