Damage To The Abducted Victim Child

  1. Alteration to Appearance -The abducted child's appearance is often altered (hair cut and dyed, etc.,).
  2. Name Change - The abducted child's name is often changed, with young children sometimes never knowing their true identity.
  3. Loss of true identity - The child is stripped of his true identity. He loses out on the love of his left-behind family and his roots.
  4. Health Neglect - The abducted child is often medically & physically neglected as abducting parents have the worry that their child may be discovered to be missing.
  5. Unstable Education - Abducted children receive unstable schooling as moves for them are common and getting proper paperwork to schools to enroll your child can be difficult under a new name.
  6. Unstable Living Conditions - Abducted children have unstable living conditions as they are on the run from the law, and often end up homeless or moving frequently.
  7. Lies and more lies - Abducted children are often told lies about the abduction and the left-behind parent. They can form a false hatred for the left-behind parent and family. Sometimes they are even told the left-behind parent is dead or in jail or doesn't want them.
  8. The Life of Fugitives - Abducted children live the lives of fugitives. They are taught not to trust anyone, not to tell about their past, and live a life on the run. They have no opportunity to establish relationships with friends.
  9. Psychological and Emotional Distress - as a result of living life on the run and being subjected to this kind of abuse, the abducted child is subjected to severe psychological and emotional distress which show up for many years to come.

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